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Choosing a mode - Lesson 4


Modes to use over melodic rock progressions
Melodic rock differs from blues based rock in that it's based on the Diatonic scale. It uses the same chord progressions that we find in pop and classical music. Any chord progression in this style will most often be either in Major (Ionian) or in Minor (Aeolian) but it's the same scale/arpeggio relationship in both Major and Minor chord progressions.

The scales or modes that I'm referring to for Major, is the same as the ones in Minor, only the names and intervals change because the point of view changes. Over any melodic rock or pop chord progression, in major you can use: 
  • The Ionian mode built on the root of the key/Tonic
  • The Phrygian mode built from the major third of the Tonic (Two steps up in the scale)
  • The Aeolian mode built from the sixth of the Tonic (Two steps down)
When you're in a minor key you can use:
  • The Aeolian mode built on the root of the key/Tonic
  • The Ionian mode built from the minor third of the tonic (Two steps up in the scale)
  • The Lydian mode built from the sixth of the tonic or root note of the key (Two steps down)


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